How We Can Help You
One of the primary goals of GCG is to complement LabPlus and provide a research and development platform for leading edge panels and assays. These will be provided by a DHB clinical service in the future but currently are not requested in viable enough numbers for this to be offered by the DHB
Grafton Clinical Genomics is IANZ (ISO 15189) accredited for the clinical testing we carry out.
GCG is currently offering the following IANZ accredited clinical tests:
- OncoCarta v1 (PDGFRa/KIT) $500 (per sample)
- CYP2C19 genetic testing (3 snps) $75 (per sample)
- Prosigna (PAM50) breast cancer panel $4200 (per sample)
GCG is currently developing the following tests:
- TSO500 Solid tumour panel (broad clinical panel)
- 70 gene clinical myeloid panel
- Detection of minimal residual disease (MRD-Seq) for patients with acute myeloid leukaemia
- Clinical Whole Exome Sequencing for inherited genetic conditions and selected cases of haematologic malignancies.
Request forms for Clinical Testing
Oncocarta Mass Array Request Form